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Halloween Party 2014

       This is my style when Halloween party 2014. Thanks my bestie Yulia for helping me to makeup. That is so awesome and outstanding. I look more beautiful. I love my makeup.
       I used turban style. That's my own creation. For making like that, just need around 4-5 minutes. It's so simple and good.

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English Club

         By joining English club, I got many lessons. There were many creative activities in English Club. I felt much enjoy with all of the activities. The supervisors of this club are Mr Cepo, Mr Endrat, Miss Grace, Miss Pane, Miss Lisa and Miss Aulia.

At the first time when I joined this club, I learnt about listening comprehension. Moreover, the method of listening in this club was made like games. The games called Missing Lyric. On the other hand, I have best experience during I joined this club, which is when we got procedure text materials. The learning method was not ordinary, we had unique activities. It was Master Chef. 

Firstly, we were separated into several groups. One group consisted of three or four members. My group was consisted of four members. They were Dicha, Eoudia, Fanjar and I. The second step, each group should found the menu of food then make a list about the material of food, the equipment to make the food and how to make the food. The menu that my group made was Roll Epic Thousand Island. Roll Epic Thousand Island is kind of food that has bread as the main material, then we combined it with sauce Thousand Island, sausage, cheese, seaweed and cucumber. Then we presented the food with the beautiful garnish. After we finished making the food, we had to present it in front of the other groups and the judges.

By the confidence and cooperation in our group, as the result we reached the highest value, in other words we are the first winner. Since I joined English club, I can improve my skills which are listening and speaking. Moreover I got many experiences and benefits during English Club.



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Meine Biografien

Hallo Mba bro and Mas bro, 
I get Deutsch lesson in my school. I want to share one of the material that I have got during studying Deutsch.
Ich heiße Indri. Ich komme aus Tangerang. Das ist in Banten, Indonesien. Ich wohne in Ciledug. Ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt. Ich bin Schülerin von Beruf. Ich lerne in Akademi Siswa Bangsa Internasional. Meine hobbys sind essen, malen, Internet surfen und reisen. In meiner Schule lerne Ich Deutsch mit Frau Lina. Sie ist sehr fantastisch.
Ich habe einen Freund. Mein Freund heißt Bradley. Er kommt aus Hongkong. Er wohnt in Depok. Er ist neunzehn Jahre alt. Er studiert in der Universität. Bradley spielt sehr gern Klavier und Gittare. Mein Freund ist cool.

Ich spreche Indonesisch, Englisch, Arabisch, und ein bisschen Deutsch. Meine Freund spricht Englisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch und ein bisschen Indonesisch. Spricht du auch Indonesisch? Meine Telefonnummer ist 081926491586. Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? 



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Pendopo Design

Hi joul,

Now, I want to share about what I have learnt in Academy Siswa Bangsa Internasional. One of the subject in my school is Media Art and Design, usually we called by MAD. In the last semester, our teacher asked us to make a design of Pondopo in our school. As the result, this is my design of Pendopo.

  Do you know how to make the design of Pendopo? I will share the general ways how to make it.The first step we used a sketch up. After that, we just give a line, color and the other things what we needed to design. As you know, it is so easy to make it. Altough, my design still have any mistake, but I believe, someday I can make a design well than this is. I will try to make a good design, because all of the things in this world need a process.               

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